Day 18 of 31 Days of Blogging / Faded Peonies & a Lightroom Custom Print Layout Tutorial

Dear Peonies,

Thank you for all your generous inspiration.
I love that you show-up so
abundantly, no matter what is happening in this world.

Your every stage is so extraordinary to me.
from perfect (miraculous) buds to glorious blooms
falling petals and all the magical mess you leave behind.

I can barely bare to say…
so long my lovely, ‘til next year.

Thank you. Truly. Thank you.

God certainly created an amazing miracle in YOU.

How to Design a Custom Print Layout Tutorial

And how ‘bout another Lightroom print module tutorial.

And that’s a wrap for this Monday Day 18.

Thank you (always) for stopping by.

If you have any questions, thoughts, please feel free to share in the comments. I LOVE hearing from you.




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